On this page you will be able to find some necessary info about student life at Primorska.
For more up-to-date information, visit Welcome to UP website
There are things you just can't avoid when you are moving to a new country.
Just remember: patience and preparedness will get you a long way! And generally, do not try to tackle Slovenian administration on your own. Visit with a tutor or a buddy.
The processes you need to go through depend on your personal circumstances and expectations. Generally, your country of origin will determine the procedures to a great extent, but you will have to make some decisions. Below is an overview of processes needed to be undertaken:
For more information, click HERE.
For the citizens of the following countries, their home insurance covers services in Slovenia:
Others have to arrange:
Arrange proof of the insurance valid in Slovenia (see above) or organise health insurance through a private insurance company.
Citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia have to visit the Health Insurance Institute in Slovenia (ZZZS), to exchange their form with the proof of insurance in Slovenia. You should do this immediately, if you are coming here for the first time. If you are trying to renew your temporary residence permit, then the Slovenian proof of insurance is not necessary anymore for the Administrative Unite. However, you should do it in a reasonable timeframe since you will definitely need it for doctor visitation or other situations.
Before arrival to Slovenia.
If you need a temporary residence permit or visa before you enter Slovenia, then before you launch an application.
This is just a rough guideline to give you a general idea about the prices in Primorska. How much you will actually spend, depends a lot on your personal lifestyle.
Majority of students live in privately-owned flats in coastal towns. In Slovenia it is common to share a room with another student.
Our organization is trying to source apartments in advance for Erasmus students.
Here you can find a list of available places, however depending on the time you open it, they may have been occupied.
In order to make sure that only incoming Erasmus students get this list, the folder is password protected, and you can get a password by sending an email to one of two mails: ac.primorska.exchange@upr.si or accommodation@esn-primorska.si, and introducing yourself.
If you manage to secure one of the listed offers, don’t forget to contact us back and let us know, so we can take that place off the list.
If you are not interested in the apartments that we have been able to find, or there are no more beds left, here are some webpages that might help you find a place:
Make sure to apply for a Buddy once you get the invitation email about it from the University of Primorska!
The Buddy System is a part of our network consisting of local and incoming students. It's aim is to match each incoming student to a local student volunteer (buddy). From that point on, the buddy can help with finding transport to Slovenia, accommodation, go with you to the administrative unit and much more.
Read more about the Buddy System and find out how to get a buddy HERE!